Maize Valley Wine and Fiber Art Festival

Maize Valley Wine and Fiber Art Festival

I will be at this event in Hartville, Ohio on Sept. 27 with my fiber animal art, alpaca and farm animal art, Equine art. Check out this link to read more!
I also have added more farm animal art designs to my cafe press shop here:
You'll see more Pop Art Chickens! Pop Art Pigs! Cow Art, Equine Art! In addition to ceramic tiles like you see above my original designs are available in many other gift merchadise.
Thanks for stopping by!


amy said…
Sue i love that first shot with the horse coming at you.
Hi Amy!!! You were on my mind today. I was letting your painting dry before I worked on it some more but am ready to add another layer. I'll send you an update soon. I hope things are going well with you.

Take care!

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