Glorious Sunshine, Hope Springs Eternal!

Glorious Sunshine! 

Hope Springs Eternal! 

I am several weeks past my 2nd Pfizer vaccine and the Covid patient load at the hospital I work part time has significantly dropped.  Most of my family have also received vaccines.  I am acutely aware (due to hospital job) that we are very blessed to have gotten thru this winter without loss of a family member due to Covid.  I have been extremely careful, as has my adult children and grandchildren, and we got to gather yesterday to celebrate Easter.  Hope does spring eternal!  The sun was out, the air was warm, the food was good and the company, warm, playful and relaxed.  It was, quite frankly heaven.  

I can't celebrate this time with my family without recognizing that this has not been possible for way too many people this year.  If anything, my job as a patient care tech, on an inpatient floor, has heightened my awareness of the great loss we have all suffered due to covid.  I pray for the people who are grieving a loss.  I pray, in the midst of this great pain, healing, compassion and insights into others struggles are at work too.  We are all interconnected- to the evolving seasons, the shared sun, the precious earth and water, and the very air we breath. I praise our Creator in the ebb and flow of  life, death, resurrection and rebirth.  There is so much I don't know and I want to rest in accepting I can't control so much in life.  I also want to preserve the biblical principle, that I AM my brother's keeper and I can't exist without effecting those around me- either in positive or negative ways.  I pray I can be a positive influence in those I come in contact with, whether it is a masked smile (eyes smile too), a kind word or holding my tongue when I encounter people who don't see things as I do.  It's not up to me to correct, shame or enlighten them, unless of course, I can engage them with love and an openness because I NEED to learn from them too.  They may have a perspective that I need to hear.  

Pandemic Puppies  

I was not immune for the need to have puppies in my life during this pandemic.  I try to be a responsible pet owner and I also found great joy in raising one litter of chiweenie puppies.  If you would like a glimpse into this little journey of mine, you can see my videos here: 

My puppy Playlist is here:  Channel playlists - YouTube Studio

If you, are anyone you know, are interested in a pet portrait or painting of your horse, please take at look at my work and website. I would love to talk about what you have in mind. I specialize in dogs, cats, horses, horse and rider, pet and owner, farm animal and wildlife paintings. I work from small custom stall signs to Life-Sized!


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