New Work coming soon....

I've organized my studio and am actively creating new work! Yah!!! Thats the fun part. I will post updates soon. The graphite drawing above, or at my web site is one I just completed a couple days ago.
I have a couple different directions I am going in. I am doing some collage/food art to be sold at a Market Place at a local organic gardener and gourmet chef's seminars this weekend. I have some fun pieces using recycled materials to go along with the sustainable agriculture and market gardening themes.
I have wildlife shadow boxes being created for the Wilmot Wilderness Center Art Fair. I can think of many applications for these shadow boxes with other themes but right now I will have a homemade paper background with a print of some of my exisiting watercolors-- florals, birds, fox, etc. and pair it with a 3D object that goes with the print-- the bird will have dried berries, seed heads, the fox will have the most beautiful pleasant feather in his shadow box and so on. The florals will have a bee/butterfly association of some sort.
I've got some new raw materials as well. Barn siding planks, some very nice slate roof pieces and some larger tile and slate platforms to be used in my garden art for this spring. One man's trash is another man's treasure?? I want to turn one man's trash into art! It just takes seeing it thru different eyes and I think thats where art comes in. To see beauty in the ordinary. Yesterday, while visiting my friend, Karen ( ) my eye caught the interesting shadows and shapes in a dying sunflower reflected against a solar panel. I do this kind of stuff all the time-- I KNOW I see the world thru different eyes! When this blog cooperates and lets me upload my photos I will show you the image but in the meantime I hope I can help influence people to look at their world differently too.
Back to my new, or rather old materials. I envision some vintage style welcome signs with the barn siding which was retrieved from a burn pile. I think the slate, rescued from a dump, will be perfect for rural themed paintings! The tile/slate platforms I am still thinking about. They are big and substantial so I may need to enlist my husband's construction experience on this one. They may end up being the base for a who knows what! I do like the idea of painting different styles of barns in each tile square-- or maybe different rural scenes, cows in a pasture, a tree line against a open sky, a farmhouse, a garden etc. in each square.
I have 3, potentially 4 portrait commissions in the works. 3 dogs and a beautiful baby girl! So to have the space workable and organized helps. I will post works in progress with the portraits when I get to that point. I think people enjoy watching the process unfold.
Thanks for stopping by!