New Studio!
In just a few days I will begin to move into my new art studio in Canton. I am moving down the hall from the 'Annex' of Second April Art Gallerie to the 'Studios'. This is a wonderful location in a gorgeous art gallery in a vibrant active art community. Can you tell I am excited about this!!
My new studio address will be 324 Cleveland Ave. NW, #207 Canton, Ohio
My artwork will be on display and available for purchase anytime the gallery is open. With the added space I will be working in my studio more often and will certainly be there for First Friday Events, often doing a painting demo. If you've not been to a First Friday you need to! They are fantastic! Food, live music, activities for kids, live entertainment, art galleries, open art studios.... just a lot of fun. The plan is for me to be in my new spot for May First Friday! Hope to see you there!
Take care,
Sue Steiner