Hitching Post Mural Update

Today I laid in color for the foreground horse's face and worked on more definition on his body and legs. The store was busy today and I got to talk with several customers even though I am trying to meet my deadline to finish by the end of March or beginning of April.
For those of you just stopping in for the first time this mural is a life sized team of belgians being painted at Lehman's in Kidron, Ohio in their Buggy Barn. The horses were chosen because they are often used for field work by the Amish. I am finding many people enjoy the work horses because of their relationship with the Amish but also for their role in our agricultrual history. Before tractors all farmers had field horses. Jay Lehman, the founder of Lehman's, had a pair of antique horse shoes that he nailed on the wooden beam beside this mural. They are quite impressive looking with some heavy duty traction!
If you'd like to see more of my equine art or Amish and Rural Themed art you can go to my web site at http://www.suesteiner.com/ or http://www.amish-art.com/ On Sat., July 12th I will be part of the Lehman's Art Festival featuring local artists. I will be in the store doing demonstrations and selling equine and amish themed art. For more information you can e-mail me at artbysue@hotmail.com or keep an eye on Lehman's Country Life Blog listed to the right on this page under 'Places to Visit'.