Horse Mural Taking Shape

I've been working away at the life sized belgian team of Amish work horse mural at Lehman's. you can see in this close up how the head is begining to take shape and the bone structure is being defined. I love big draft horse heads! The big roman nose and kind eyes! Although in this mural these geldings will have their work clothes on and you won't be able to see their eyes. I think of the harness as their uniform because the bridle and blinders will give a very distinct look and feel to the team. I will post work in progress pics here often as well as on Lehman's Country Life Blog.
To see more of my art go to or e-mail me at for info on horse portraits or equine art.
Special Event! Mark your calendars for July 12th for Lehman's Art Festival! I will be bringing my equine and amish themed art to sell either as prints or originals. In addition to the murals I also work in watercolor, oil, pastel, mixed media and graphite.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sue Steiner