Reclining Women Revisted and a new project

Work in Progress portrait in Oils 
I got a chance to do some more work on my portrait, 'Reclining Woman'.  I am really enjoying the challenge of working on this painting.  Obviously as primarily an animal artist I don't work with skin tones as much as I do with fur!  This is one I just did for me- for the challenge.  I was hoping to make the deadline for an art exhibit but just couldn't get it done and really did not want to push it.  I am glad I waited because with the pressure off to get it done by a certain time I am finding my flow with it again.  The shadows underneath the chin were very challenging but surprisingly it came together when I added some hints of green.  Would of not initally thought that would work but there are so many reds and pinks in this than I can see how the green would nuetralize that in the shadows.  Being self taught, its this kind of stuff- the trial and error that just comes from experiementing and trying new things makes the risk taking all worthwhile.  When I realized a few years ago I had an artistic bent I decided my focus would be on painting as much as I could.  Since then I have  really been compulsive about painting ever since.  I think thats partly because I am making up for a big chunk of my life not knowing I could do this!  LOL!  Moral of the story-- experiment and follow your heart!  Don't worry about 'mistakes'... jump in and do it if its something you have a desire to do. 

I willl post more of this portrait as I fit it in and when time permits.

I am starting on a couple new projects that I will be showing as works in porgress here.  Today I've been priming boards since these will be outdoor murals of horses, donkeys and cats.  :)  I love painitng life sized horses and animals in general so am looking forward to these as well. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Sue Steiner
animal and equine artist


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