Me and My Bud, Budweiser Clydesdale, that is!
I am not good with surprises! I am giving you a sneak peek at my big clydesdale painting! The weather forecast for tomorrow's First Friday is beautiful. I have new artwork hanging. I've got prints, notecards, small fun items ready to sell. I've got the cake ordered and ballons, plates ready to go! So I am as ready as I am going to be! :) Really looking forward to a fun time.
This painting will be set up outside in the park where the horses will stop after their parade around the arts district. I will add to this painting for a couple hours than head inside to my studio for the grand opening located above Second April Art Gallerie , suite #207 on the second level. I have a special promotional coupon in my studio for pet portraits that can be used for the remainder of 2009 (think Christmas, house warming, wedding or birthday gifts!!)
After tomorrow I will be getting back to posting work in progress paintings. I've got 2 horse portraits, a lovely long haired tabby cat portrait and a floral commission I either have started or will be starting in the next couple weeks so if you are new to this blog consider 'following' to watch those take shape. Look to the right sidebar for directions on how to do that.
Stop by and say hi!
equine and animal artist
pet portraits in oils or watercolor
I didn't get much painting done on this last night because it was so busy.... but it was a great night and the real clydesdales were beautiful. I will finish this soon hopefully because the art gallery has a spot ready for it.
Thanks for following along! :)