Here's the
black lab oil painting just a bit futher along. I am adding more color so that the 'blacks' don't become flat. There are purples, blues and golds/oranges to brighten and bring some vibrant color and interest. Too bad none of that shows in this little painting with the wet paint! Sorry! LOL! I do like having fun with color. I want to continue to brighten the eyes but I need to wait for the paint to dry. I've softened some edges and brought in some sharp edges to keep the eye moving around and to creat interest. I like mixing realism with some abstract shapes and colors to bring more life to the painting and for a more 'painterly' effect. There are definite brushstrokes and big swipes of color along with little details. I will let this sit for a couple days or so and then add some glazes and details to key areas.
To see finished work go to
http://www.suesteiner.com/ or
for any questions or comments regarding commissions. Today is
Shop Hop in Canton so I can't paint as much as I'd like today. If you are in Canton stop by Studio #222 above Second April and Acradia Grille or go to
http://www.cantonshophop.com/ I am offering a discount on commissions scheduled during the Canton Shop Hops.
Thank you for following along!
Take care.