Dec.'s First Friday Winner

'November Sky'
Dec. First Friday Painting Drawing

'3 Apples'
November First Friday Drawing Painting

Each First Friday I have a drawing for a painting from the previous months 'daily painting' exercises I post on this blog. I choose the painting 'November Sky' to be the prize for this month's drawing. October's winner won my '3 Apples' painting pictured above also. People can enter either by e-mail, comments here on my blog or in person at my art studio. Consider subscribing to this blog to see work in progress pics, daily paintings and studio news or join me on facebook.

Thank you all for participating. Hope to see or hear from you for next month's drawing!

The winner for Dec. is Pat Thoman. I have contacted him and he will be recieving his painting this week.

Thank you!

Sue Steiner
Suite #222


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