Pet Portraits in Oil
The other day I posted some pics of my horses out in our pasture. What you could not see in the photos is my jack russel terrier, Jack. Jack (original name, I know!) knew my attention was out in the pasture. I had my camera and was walking around the yard looking for the best angle to get the photo. I wanted to do this without the horses knowing I was there because if they heard me they would come up toward the barn. Jack could not stand that I was paying attention to something WAY out there and not him... so he ran into the pasture a ways, looked back as if to say, see ME, here I am!!! He'd look back at me, tail wagging, tongue hanging out, run a bit more, look back, run, until he got to the horses and razzed them all! Being a jack russel terrier he loves to stir things up!
Thanks for stopping by! I have a new commission I'll be starting in the next day or so of another dog. I am also going to paint a team of Belgian draft horses so stay tuned.
To see finished work go to
This is the latest batch of work in progress pics.