New Horse Painting WIP
Work in Progress Cat Portrait in Oils
I hope you had a good week end. The weather has been beautiful this summer. I opened up all the windows and had a lovely breeze blow all thru the house. Its tough to choose between being outside and being in my studio on days like that! I did end up working at my White Horse Studio last night while the actors in the current play practised in the lower level theatre. It was fun to have the laughter and chatter coming from below as background noise to my painting.
I am getting close to completing my cat portrait. I had to lighten up the eyes and let that layer dry before I finish so it still has that spooky look to it. While I was at my studio my kids texted or called on my cell about every 5 minutes. The calls were not emergencies-- at least not what I consider an emergency. To a teen and preteen though maybe it was since they were food and friend related. So needless to say I decided to not do the most important part of this portrait in the middle of working out those important details!
I am also posting the under painting of my current horse portrait. My husband was out of town this past week and missed his input on my paintings. He is not an artist but is very helpful in critiquing. I added the fencing (roughed in right now) but need his eye to tell me if I've got it right. LOL! I got to run my more recent work past him and got that important feedback.
Thanks for stopping by!