Updates... trying to finish up a few things...

Work in Progress Portrait in Oils

I am afraid I won't be done in with my portrait to meet the deadline for an art exhibit I wanted to submit this to. I suppose the good news is I have commissions I am working on. The bad news is that I wanted to have new work for this show. Well there are always other art shows. Regardless it was a good experience since I am wanting to do more portrait/figurative work.

I also was happier with this painting before I had this painting session. Trying to rush just doesn't work with this kind of stuff. I am sure anyone who does creative work is also familiar with the times when things just flow and click and then the other times were it doesn't. I am learning how to manage working at home (with kids and interruptions) or at my studio (where I invariably forget supplies) and meet deadlines. Some days it is better than others. I think the most difficult thing is that in order to paint I need to be alone and quiet... not always so easy to do and still feel accessible to family.

I've got two animal portraits on my easel too that I will show on this blog another day. Ready for a day of painting... in between car pooling, kids friends, car repairs..... hmmmm what else?

Tomorrow is Open Studios at Second April Art Galerie. A group of artists who have studios on the second floor of the gallery are opening up their spaces, working and inviting people to stop by. It is turning into a really fun thing to do. If you are local consider stopping by sometime. :)

Take care,


Angela Finney said…
I think this portait is looking very well done at this point -- sorry it is not making the deadline. I can certainly relate to how that quiet time in the studio can become so elusive. You don't even mention animal/horse care in the list of distractions. Maybe the studio away from home will become an important aspect of your work in this regard also. Hope all is well.
Thank you Angela. You're right, I didn't even mention the horses! We are fortunate to have a big pasture so if I manage it right they usually have enough grass this time of year. It is on my mind though the 6 stalls that will need cleaned Oct.-April! LOL! My exercise program!

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